About Me
Heather Ann Ryland (Auralite Mountain Mover) has served her spiritual and healing community for the last 20 years by empowering her clients to Step into their Sovereignty, embrace and embody their abilities as Multidimensional Creators, and Master their own lives and soul missions during this powerful time of ascension and awakening.
She has been intimately connected to the quantum realms, having had personal experiences with both light and dark, since she was a small child. As she grew, it became clear to her that she is a Light Warrior and Guardian - here on Earth to fight for the freedom of all and for light to reign.
As an Advanced Marconic Practitioner, she offers Quantum Energetic Protocols assisting her clients in Bridging their Multidimensional Selves and Abilities with their human experience while assisting in healing their wounds, resulting in empowerment and ultimately, freedom from their past. As a Minister and Ascension Coach, she holds a sacred space for clients to take back their sovereignty as they walk toward true freedom to serve their own missions for the betterment of the world.
Her Soul Mission as a Divine Messenger through her Soul Inspired Writing is to Empower and Inspire her readers to Remember Who They Truly Are, release all that holds them back from being their most vibrant selves, follow their own inner truth and live their lives in alignment with their soul's calling and heart's desires by stepping fully into their own sovereignty.
Auralite has trained with various teachers, lightworkers, shamans, priestesses, healers and spiritual guides over the last two decades, but her most profound learning has come from her own spirit team, Higher Selves & families, Oversoul & families, Ascended Masters, Angelics of the Highest Order, her Star families and Arcturian Higher Self and healing guides and has merged with and remembered and brought forth skills, knowledge & abilities from past, parallel & future Higher Selves.
With her extensive experience & expanded training and intuitive gifts, her Soul Mission is to hold sacred space for others to Remember Who They Truly Are and to assist them in Bridging Their Multidimensional Selves & Abilities with their human experience guiding them toward Soul Sovereignty, Freedom & Expansion into Their Truth as we all Ascend into our Divine Selves during this Ascension & Awakening process.
Auralite serves humanity as an Ascension Ambassador & Anchor, Multidimensional Protector & Guardian, Intuitive, Truth Seeker, Divine Messenger, Quantum Scribe, Spiritual Teacher & Guide and Master Creator. She activates and awakens Ascension Light Codes within your light body empowering you to live fully in your Truth as a Multidimensional, Master Creator Being!
Education and Certifications
University of Georgia
Women's Studies & Cultural Anthropology
The Institute of Transpersonal Psychology
Women's Spirituality, Specializing in Creative Expression
Advanced Marconic Practitioner
Levels 1 -4
Universal Life Church Minister
Spiritual Coaching
Other Trainings & Knowledge that Inform Heather's Work:
Marconics Initiate Teacher 3 yrs
Reiki Master & Teacher 14 yrs- 4 Lineages
Shamanic Practitioner 14 yrs
Archer Career Archetype Graduate
Wheels of Light Quantum Healing 11 yrs
Arcturian & Angelic Healing & Crystal Healing 11 yrs
Channeling, Data Streaming & Astral Travel
Oracle & Akashic Record Readings
Death Doula & End of Life Celebrations
Medical Empath
Spirit Communications including Interdimensional & Multidimensional
Ancestral Healing & Kundalini Yoga Apprenticeship
Space Clearing & Blessing, Altar Creation & Intention Setting
Quantum Healing & Manifestation
Ascension Mechanics & Alchemy
Spiritual Hygiene Practices
Channeled, High Vibrational, Personalized Affirmations
Goddess Studies & Shakti Priestessing
Soul Inspired Writing & Creative Expression Projects
Women's Circles & Conscious Living Workshops
Plant Medicine Ceremonies, Sweat Lodges & Vision Quests
Herbal Making & Natural Aromatherapy Products
Nature Crafting & Vision Board Workshops
Vast Studies of Religions, Spirituality & New Age Beliefs
Personalized Apprenticeships
Rose Lineage Magdalene Priestess
Ancestral Fire Healer
Kitchen Witchery

My Philosophy
There have been many magical occurrences that have led me here. Everything, in every lifetime, has led me to this chapter of my life.
I AM to fully serve NOW on my multi-mission.
My role is about mastery and creation. I will help you create an abundant, sovereign life based on your own truth and mission.
It is my Honor to Be a Sacred Mirror for you to learn to Embody your True Nature as a Master, Creator and your own Unique Expression of your own Divine, *God-Spark Essence!
I activate light codes within you to Align and Merge with your I AM and Return to the Frequency of Innocence and Purity as a Sovereign, Creator Being.