I am an Ascension Coach and Anchor for Ascension Frequency. More and more people seem to be talking about ascension, and there are many viewpoints on what it means. For myself, My Soul Mission and My Life's Work is to assist those on the ascension path. This path means many different things to me.
Ascension is awakening to one's Divinity. It is elevating your energetic frequency. It is a re-turning and a re-calibration to our original multidimensional, quantum light bodies, a re-connection to our Higher Selves and Family Lineages, re-alignment to one's I AM Higher Self at Source and the most benevolent, appropriate, highest, future version of self that has already ascended. It is moving beyond the constraints and illusions and oppressions of this human experience and re-membering our Soul Sovereignty and Creator Abilities.
Ascension is questioning everything you have been taught and releasing all that is untruth. It is healing and re-leasing of the bonds of karma and traumas from current, past, parallel and future versions of ourselves. It is clearing all the Ancestral bondage, letting go of all the pain and negative patterns and taking back our full sovereign power.
Only a few great Masters have reached enlightenment and passed through the gates of Ascension to full, sovereign freedom. Of course our most well known example is Yeshua who walked the path of Christ Consciousness and taught us in symbology, metaphor and story -and By Example- what it meant to question authority, to choose one's Divinity, to use our innate healing abilities, to use our abilities of manifestation, to love unconditionally without judgment and to be the example of the Master and Teacher. Yeshua came to remind us of our Divinity, our Divine Healing Abilities and our Sovereignty- teaching that we are all reflections of the Creator. We are all sons and daughters of the Creator. But, as always some humans distorted his teachings and undermined the true message.
There are stories of monks who completely left behind the bonds of society, culture and the human struggle. These wise sages and seers fasted and meditated for hours, days, months and years clearing their karma and releasing the bonds of the past connecting to their Divine selves through meditative practices with no distractions. They chose when they were done with their Earth experience and chose death as their soul's left their bodies returning to Oneness free from the bonds of this denser reality. Even though this path was one of Honor and Strength, it was long and arduous.
Every 26,000 years our Earth goes through a cycle of awakening when a huge amount of light is flooding our home and ourselves to shine light on all that is illusionary, shadow, dark and untruth and to return us to light. We are in this cycle now. The last cycle we have recently exited has been manipulated, controlled, steeped in fear and judgment and we have been taught that we are sinners and separate from God Source. How amazing that we chose to incarnate during this new cycle of change and awakening!
Part of our experience in this density was to be disconnected from our multidimensional, quantum light body and from all of our Higher Self and Oversoul aspects (bringing only one higher self with us here on Earth when we were born), and we experience a complete amnesia of our Divinity and Sovereignty in order to experience duality and separation. Our original abilities of Creation were removed, our 30 ft Auric field was condensed to a 4-6 ft field that is self fed system that was no longer connected to the quantum that will eventually run out of energy (keep in mind to that there are those who siphon off our limited energy too if we are not serious about our choices and spiritual hygiene), our 22-44 plus chakra system (depending on your Galactic origins) was cut and condensed into a 7 chakra system that keeps us in a cycle of reincarnation of life, death and rebirth trapped a 3D density.
Our pineal, pituitary and thymus glands which connect us to our intuition and Clair abilities were shut off and we were disconnected from our Galactic Chakra System. We were implanted with controlling mechanisms that kept us asleep, indoctrinated with many untruths and stripped of our All Knowingness. Luckily, this time of control, manipulation and disconnection is coming to an end-If You So Choose To Awaken and Ascend. It is an individual choice of Free Will blended with Divine Will. It is your Individual Choice to Awaken and How Far You will take Yourself in Your Own Ascension process.
This is where my mission and multi-dimensional, quantum bridge abilities come in. I am here to be of service during this time of awakening and ascension to assist those who are ready to be Free and Sovereign and Creator, Master Beings once again. To RETURN to All of Themselves! I noticed after being an energy worker for over 17 years (which included Ancestral healing Lineages, 4 schools of Reiki, Quantum Healing, Angelic and Arcturian and Crystal healing and Shamanic practices and channeling abilities) that I had reached an energetic, 'glass ceiling' affect where I could elevate my clients very high but they could not sustain it on their own and would continue to come for sessions but not get too far in their awakening and were still stuck in many patterns.
I worked very closely with my Spirit team, Ascended Masters, Highest Order Archangels and my Arturian Higher Self/team/family. I apprenticed with them my entire life up to that point. They held my hand and taught me to remember who I was and my abilities as a Sovereign, Creator Being. I was taught that they had served humanity to get us comfortable with Higher Reality, but now it was time to take all we had learned and to Step Into Our Own Sovereign, Healing, All-Knowing, Creator Abilities. It is time to Live as the Masters here on Earth ourselves. They told me that everything I had learned and remembered and apprenticed with them had all been to prepare me for the next level of my Soul Mission as an Anchor and Alchemist of Ascension, a Multidimensional, Quantum Bride and a Guardian and Light Warrior for this Awakening.
So, in 2019 my Soul Mission shifted tremendously. Through a series of Sacred Synchronicities, Intuitive Callings and Soul Recognitions, I become a Quantum Guardian and Advanced Marconic Practitioner. I re-emerged with Higher Selves and Oversoul and Re-aligned with my I AM remembering more of myself and my abilities. Around 2012 when our Earth began to be flooded with Higher Light, a group of Benevolent, Pleiadian, Star Beings who had been watching over Earth for a very long time delivered this Multidimensional Healing Modality to return us to our Original Selves-who we were when we had our full ability as Creator Beings and were Quantum Citizens who traveled the Multiverse at will. This is when we had all of our abilities activated and awakened with no restraints or control.
A group of Star Being Galactics and Angelics who were Protectors and Overseers of Earth life collectively decided to send us a way to clear all the constraints and re-calibrate to our Multidimensional Light Bodies to gift us with complete Soul Sovereignty to leave the constraints of the 3D traps and to be Free to leave this reality if we so choose before the possibility of destroying ourselves like had been done in ancient civilizations throughout Earth time. A group of beings that are a Future Ascended Sovereign Collective sent us this Upgrade from the future to the present moment to give us the LightBody Upgrades needed for the Ascension that is happening right now. Our 2 strand DNA upgrade and activates to our original 12 strand DNA, our unique abilities come online, we re-emerge with our Higher Selves/Oversoul/I AM presence and our Multidimensionl Abilites, Memories and Knowledge re-activate!
I serve as an Advanced Marconic Practitioner for those of you who want to Fully Re-turn to ALL of You, who want to be Sovereign and Free and tapt into the Unique Human and Galactic Self that you truly are! You can take your awakening and ascension as far and as vast as you so choose! There are no limits! This is a redemption mission lead by the Grace of God to re-turn all the lost Soul Fragments that were lost in Atlantis, Lemuria/MU, ancient Egypt when the Deities roamed the Earth and the civilizations of Lyra, Venus and Andromedan Galaxy.
Join me and the other Starseed and Light Workers and Light Warriors and Guardians who are Stepping Back Fully Into Our Sovereign Power as Divine, Creator Beings. Return to All Of You and Expand Back into Your True, Soul Missions as we Serve for this Awakening and Ascension! Join me in Becoming Sovereign, Benevolent, Multidimensional Human, Galactic Citizens and Creators of Our New Earth. Hineni